Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Jumpstart Your Career in Education

How to Jumpstart Your Career in Education Maybe you’re looking for your career path in general, and think that you’d be well-suited to working in a classroom. Or maybe you already work in an educational role, and are feeling a little stagnant. Either way, it’s time for your next step, and we’ve got the tips and information you need to move on in your educational career. What Do Educational Professionals Do?You probably know that educators teach. They also plan, manage, coach, administer, organize, troubleshoot, advise, and assist. Whether working with the tiniest of preschoolers or the elderly woman going back to finish her degree, educators can be found in many different types and levels of schooling. Before you take your first (or next) step in the education world, it’s important to see what’s out there.Primary/Elementary LevelAt the early childhood education/elementary school level, there are many different kinds of roles available. There are classroom teachers, of course, but als o different kinds of staff that contribute to the overall running of the school.Preschool teacher- These are classroom educators who work with young children (pre-kindergarten).Elementary school teacher- These teachers work with students from kindergarten through approximately grade 5 (depending on the school).Paraprofessional/teaching assistant- These are classroom aides who work with teachers on classroom maintenance, lessons, and administrative tasks.Administrator- Principal, vice principal, superintendent, or other administrative leadership positionSubstitute teacher- This is a floating teacher who covers other teachers’ absences.Reading/literacy specialist- This is an educator who works on reading comprehension and development directly with students.Special education teacher- These educators work with students who have special physical or emotional education needs.Secondary LevelAt the secondary level, educators work with middle and high school students. Teachers are oft en subject-matter specific (math, science, history, language arts, etc.) and specialize in specific student areas.Middle school teacher- These teachers work with students from approximately grades 6 through 8 (depending on the school). Rather than teach multiple disciplines in a single classroom, these teachers often specialize in subject matter (reading/language arts, history, math, science, etc.)High school teacher- These teachers work with students from approximately grades 9 through 12 (depending on the school). Rather than teach multiple disciplines in a single classroom, these teachers often specialize in subject matter (reading/language arts, history, math, science, etc.)Administrator- These are principals, vice principals, superintendents, or other administrative leadership positions.Substitute teacher- This is a floating teacher who covers other teachers’ absences.Foreign language teacher- These are teachers who specialize in teaching languages other than English.Rea ding/literacy specialist- This is an educator who works on reading comprehension and development directly with students.Special education teacher- These educators work with students who have special physical or emotional education needs.Educational SupportNot all educators or educational staff are found in the classroom. These professionals work at schools in support roles.Counselor- These are professionals who can advise students on personal matters, or help them with academic plans and progress.School librarian- These professionals manage a school’s library (also sometimes known as media centers), and work with students on reading and research.ESL teacher- These are classroom teachers who work with students who speak a language other than English as their primary languageCollege/Postsecondary LevelThere are many educational career opportunities at the college level as well. Educators can work at community colleges, colleges and universities, allied health schools, professio nal colleges, and online schools/programs.Adjunct professor- These are teachers and lecturers who may teach classes and work for the school on a part-time or non-tenure basis.Associate Professor/Professor- These are educators who teach in specific disciplines as full employees of a college or university. They are often subject matter experts with experience in advanced academics or real-world applications of the field.Administrator- Colleges and universities are often large bodies, with many different departments and programs. Administrators work in education, but are often more behind the scenes to make sure programs are developed, budgeted, maintained, and running smoothly.How Much Do Educators Get Paid?Salary and benefits for educational jobs depend on many different factors: what the role is, where you’re located, the level of education needed at an entry level, and how much experience the person already has. It can vary, but here are some example median salaries for job s in the field, per PayScale:Elementary School Teacher: $43,697Middle School Teacher: $45,879High School Teacher: $48,072Preschool Teacher: $29,592Special Education Teacher: $45,011ESL Teacher: $40,658School Counselor: $48,217Administrator, Elementary and Secondary School: $67,202Paraprofessional: $18,339Adjunct Professor, College: $30,313Professor, College: $85,697School Librarian/Media Center Specialist: $45,388How Do I Become an Educator?Just about all of the roles outlined above require specialized education before you can start a job. In some cases, you can finish your degree after you start working (for example, you can finish a Master’s while teaching in some states), but in most cases a four-year degree or a program-specific certificate is a baseline necessity to become a teacher or an administrator at any education level.Each state also has its own requirements for certifying educators, particularly teachers and paraprofessionals. Many states require teachers to pass exams like the Praxis before they are fully certified. Some states, like New York and Texas, have their own state-specific exams as well. So once you’ve decided to go into the educational field, it’s important to check with your state’s Department of Education to see what kind of certification will be required for the role you want.How Do I Get the Education Job I Want?Once you’ve got your degree, maybe done an internship, and passed your certification with flying colors, you still have a very important hurdle: the job hunt. The educational job hunt isn’t too different from the application processes you’ve seen before, although you can expect to face extra-thorough background checks, particularly if you’re looking for a job on the elementary or secondary school level.Get Your Resume In ShapeAs with any job hunt, you want your resume to be stellar and attention-catching for all the right reasons. If you’re already in the field, you’ll want to emphasize your experience. If you’re just starting out, don’t hesitate to include any volunteer experience. For examples of teaching resumes for reference as you craft your own, click here.Write Your Cover LetterAlthough education has gone as digital as many other industries, you can really make your application package stand out with a great cover letter. It’s your chance to add context to your resume, and give the reader a stronger sense of who you are, and what you’d bring to your job in education. For examples of educator cover letters, click here.The Bottom LineIf you’re considering a career in education, it could be a great option because it’s a field where you can build skills and take them with you to the next step. And there are always paths for moving up. Say you start as a paraprofessional, and decide you want to pursue life in the classroom, so you become a teacher. A few years later, you decide you want to work in a more administrative role, so you start looking at vice principal jobs. The skills and experience you’ve built along the way make you a seasoned professional with valuable expertise.Similarly, there are plenty of outlets if you decide that a certain segment of education just isn’t for you. If teaching third graders isn’t what you thought it would be, maybe you can take your science whiz skills to a middle school Earth Science classroom, or teach chemistry at the local community college. There are so many options available that you can make a varied, satisfying career in education that works best for your skills and your goals.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critical Writing (multiple assignments) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Writing (multiple assignments) - Essay Example ed and identifiable nuclear region such as prokaryotes like bacteria apart from the fact that eukaryotes are relatively bigger than prokaryotes is the eukaryotes’ ability to connect and interact with other neighbouring cells to perform even more complex functions such as working together to become internal organs such as the liver or heart, or external organs such as the fingers or eyes. Eukaryote cells also have cellular parts which are separate from one another and covered in a membrane, much like how animals have separate internal organs which have different functions from one another, while on the other hand the cellular parts of prokaryotes are not covered by a protective membrane and is mixed thoroughly with one another, similar to a bowl of creamy soup. Examples of eukaryotes or eukaryotic organisms are minute and one-celled organisms that can only be seen under a microscope such as parasites that cause intestinal diseases like the amoeba, or these can be many-celled an d form complex organs such as a plant’s leaf or a dog’s eye, as well as complete living organisms such as an earthworm or an entire human being. This line graph is effective in showing interested readers on the trends in religious affiliations worldwide. A reason for this would be the use of colourful lines in the graph which are very distinct from one another and the proper labelling of figures, thus it would be easier to see the trends of each religion included in the graph’s legend. However, the line graph’s purpose in this case is to show trends and not the current or actual statistical figures, thus for people who are interested in finding out the world populations for each religion, additional in-text information must be provided. This bar graph shows the yearly growth rate in major religions in the west, and readers can easily deduce it through the percentages shown beside each major religion in the y-axis. The labels are also properly-placed and can be read with ease, even

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Concrde crash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Concrde crash - Essay Example According to Kurczy (par. 3-9), a Houston bound continental jet that took off a short moment before the Concorde took off dropped an ill fitted metal strip on the run away from its underside. On the runway, when the Concorde flight was preparing speed one of its tires run over the same metal strip that that made the tire to burst. Since the plane had gathered a supersonic speed chucks of the tire hit the under wing. Their impact on the wing was enough to puncture the fuel tank and hot exhaust gases from the engine ignited a flame on the wing. When the crippled jet took off into the sky, it lost control due to severe shock waves on the wing that had caught fire. Smith (Par. 2-6) in his article asserted that when the flight was in the sky the flames damaged the second engine and some experts argued that it could survive if it was able to land. After a few minutes in the sky, the crewmembers were overwhelmed as the plane busted into flames and it remains crashed into a small hotel in Paris, killing four people on the ground, and no members on the plane were spared either. After this horror incidence, the Continental Airline company was accused of unintended manslaughter. It has been long since this the crash took place, but the memories of every bit of the crash are still fresh. Kurczy, Stephen. â€Å"What caused the 2000 Concorde crash?† The Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 10, 2010. Web. Sept. 27 2014.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Intellectual Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Intellectual Property Law - Essay Example In a different perspective, intellectual property rights cover identification marks used by companies in order to protect malicious use of the same. Such protections are in place with an aim of encouraging new inventions, innovations, and technologies, which is vital for growth of both a nation or a society and the global economy. Examples of such intellectual rights include copyrights, patents, trade secrets, industrial designs, and trademarks. These rights depend on the form and type of invention or innovation that an individual attains. In the above scenario, Trevor discovered a drug that can cure common cold. In this case, Trevor’s discovery qualifies for a patent as one of the intellectual property rights. Millennium compound has been in existence for long yet no one used it to invent a drug for curing common cold. It is therefore wrong to assume that since Millennium compound has been in existence, someone was going to use in at some point to come up with a drug for curi ng common cold. ... Since they are not co-owners of the idea, Trevor has a right to obtain the patent right under his name. In a scenario where Trevor will allow the professor to have patent under his (professor) name, then Trevor should forget about such rights as provided for within intellectual rights. Therefore, it is important that Trevor fight for his name to be used for obtaining such patents rights since without that then he (Trevor) is unlikely to benefit from the same rights. After all, patent rights according to UK Patents Act 1977, Section 3 2the only person who enjoys patent rights of an invention is one whose name is used in success application and approval of the same rights. Patentability Requirements Under the United Kingdom’s Patent Rights law, there are specific requirements that an inventor must adhere to in order to apply successful for a patent right against his or her invention. Some of the conditions that should be in force include having an element of novelty, invention i nvolving an inventive step, invention having practical use, and the subject matter must be accepted as patentable within the United Kingdom’s laws. Novelty is the most vital prerequisite for any patent right to be successful completed under the UK law. Under the UK law, novelty requirement states that for an invention to acquire patent rights it must be new. According to the UK Patents Act 1997 Section 2(1)3, a new invention is one that does not take any part of the ‘state of the art’ within a reasonable time just before patent application date. In this regards, the ‘state of art’ refers to the entire information or matter made available to members of the public

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Film Techniques

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Film Techniques In this essay, I would like to talk about a film which is called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It is a ancient Chinese martial art film, it is according to Chinese novelist Wang Du Lus novels written by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon as the basis for further adaptation of films. After the release, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon create the highest box office of foreign language film in U.S. history .The local incomes was 1.28 billion U.S. dollars, and become the worlds largest Chinese-language films movie incomes. This film shines on the international market, and also covers 40 international awards in one fell swoop. In addition, in view under the influence of exceptional film, so that some company intends to follow the movie again to re-set off a wave of martial arts films. As regards to the film, it has a great success, not only because the script and good performers, and also because of the director in the framing, composition and other photography operation, succeeded in bringing to record the role of the real moment to the audience. Because of these Factors, this film can be a huge success. As far as to the film genre, it is a Chinese martial art (Kong Fu) film; it has a bit different with the normal martial art film. In the natural martial art film, it is a type of entertainment, a film which the circumstance includes a series of action scene most: fighting, special effects, car chases, explosions. The story is usually the side of justice against the evil side; the solution is often resort to violence. Action film masters always a physical strong male hero, generally obvious that he represents the moral standards, the ethical guidelines of Western culture in general and consistent with view of the world. It always uses some external factors and props, to create tension in some of the scenes the audience, most of the plot revolves around violence. In the film, action itself only a few describe role, but primarily in order to attract viewers. Violence, which are often particularly exaggerated, and therefore there is no relationship between the real phenomenon. (Wheeler W , 2000, p.82) However, in the Chinese martial art film, especially since by Bruce Lees films started the emphasis of human power and human-looking action movie. One of the features including the slow motion effects, strange sound, and has led to the formation of sub-genres: Kong Fu movies. It advocated every movement should have a beauty of physical, and good at use some small action to show that how good of the Kung Fu, such as using a very small action to break the table, walking on the wall with using a dodge. In addition, in every Chinese martial art film, it emphasizes on justice and the evil can not win the righteousness, and also it would show the traditional Chinese etiquette diplomacy before the use of force. (David W, 2006, p.226) With respects to the special features of the Chinese martial art film. Martial art in the West and the East direction, but it has a fast and slow polarization difference. Western films dealing with the fight scenes, deliberately slow down the action so lush clearly show the Chinese martial arts films are used to using a lot of quick shots, the process of manufacturing the tense atmosphere of martial arts. This is a very interesting phenomenon, the formation of the main differences between Eastern and Western audiences viewing experience to accumulate. So in shooting to this film, the director focused more on how to make martial arts become even more beautiful, so in the camera movement and the focus would always change, let the audience also can feel the emotion from the performer s movement. (David W, 2006, p.137) For the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, its talking about a sword bring out exact revenge against, which also interspersed with the presence of chivalry, in addition highlights the profound Chinese martial arts are also show feelings of love between the protagonists. In the story, Limu Bai (the main character) prominent position on the arena, because he wanted to retired, and entrusted to his love Sword Qingming Jian for Yu Xiulian, and told her transferred it to the Royal Highness custody. However, at the midnight, one girl call Jen sneaked into the imperial palace steal the Qingming Jian to her master, after that, The characters began to develop a complex relationship because of the sword. As regards to the technique of the camera movement in this film, most of the audience would like to concentrate on the action of the characters in the Chinese Kong Fu film, as result of this, most of the senses in the film are shooting the fighting in the film. In Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon , it has a scene which has two girls order to the sword and fight with each other. In this scene, the location is in the courtyard of the house, which means it is like a chamber of secret. It is represent both of them must has one will be die, as the coliseum in Rome in ancient time, and also it has a lot of weapon on the wall, when they are fighting, Yu always change different kind of weapon to confront Jel, it is because she is using the reason of their struggle - Qingming Jian . (Malkiewicz, Mullen, 2001, p.55) Moreover, in during shooting their fight, the lighting was using the low key lighting, this is in order to bring weapons spark generated when the collision so that the audience will be more tension into the plot. Furthermore, for the camera movement, firstly it is a long shot to show the location and they are going to fight, and then it use a lot of close up, over shoulder and extreme close up to illustrate how they fight with using different Kong Fu and weapons, during they are fighting, it also has some bird s eye view shot to show how intense of their fight, because it also show the ground fault of the weapons and the struggle traces. In the one particular shot of this scene which is show her shaking hand, and pan to her face and her body, although her whole body is shaking and got hurt in the fight, but she still want to against to Yu. In this scene, it is totally talking about how the thief fight with the protector, however, the thief also has her own belief comply with all orde r from her master. It s show how chaos of the society in that time, for the most of the people they believe stronger can do whatever they want. This is the reason why Jen very eager the Qingming Jian and stole it. (Malkiewicz, Mullen, 2001, p.219) However, in this film, it also has a very justice side, such as Jen tried to grab Li s sward in the palace, but he caught her attack and taught her the truth of life rather than hurt her. Finally, when Jen deflower captured, He told her: virtue can actually win over a person, rather than by sharp weapons or high-strength Kong Fu. In this scene, the director side of the Lis kindness and noble character with a special composition to show up, for example, it use a lot of two shot and over shoulder to show the audience that Li want to guide her back to be good rather than hurt Jen, even though in one scene, Li trough the Qingming Jian into the waterfall from the top of hill, but Jen still jump down and tried to get it back; in this scene, it use a long shot and till down to show the audience the Jen jump down to the waterfall without any hesitation, and also from Li facial expression, it s completely show to the audience that how Jen desire of the power and bring out how Li lamenting he r, forming an enormous comparison. (David W, 2006, p.97) As far as to the reason why the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon can get a great success rather than other film, it s because the director Ang Lee Tried to attract the whole world audience , as people know, Chinese martial arts is undoubtedly elements of the definition of foreigners, so you want to grasp this point Lee, Feiyanzoubi , superficial, roof chase, throwing knives hidden weapon, fighting on the tree .. a series of Chinese products duel, foreign How can people do not seem strange? How can audience not surprise? The way in the shooting, the director Ang Lee has done all the details in every possible way. in the light text effect, he spent most of the low key lighting to keep the mystery of kung fu; the lens shooting, he spent a lot of The third-person perspective and two shot make the audience appreciate the traditional Chinese martial arts, and he can also take care while a lot of details, such as eye contact play against the two sides, the audience can understand the meaning of what they want to say without the dialogue. And in all of the shooting locations, those are based on the original to choose the location. For the storyline, it s also different from the general martial arts is an endless stream of good and evil struggle, Li and blue-eyed about the conflict of good and evil really chivalrous, but this conflict has been simplified, it is no longer the whole story centres, on the contrary, Li, Yu and Jen into the conflict between a very important clue, and this trail Behind the concept is actually the collision of two lakes: Lee swallowed things, experience the vicissitudes of life, like Qi Jian can not, and Jen is newly hatched into the society, the martial arts as an escape, pleasure allies and enemies of the solution, Li: abide by the rules, is a wisdom, rather than a trite. More in order to insinuate the director of youth in our society should think twice before doing things. (Clifford W, 2009, p. 84) In conclusion, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is the second after Bruce Lee; it is a great classic of traditional Chinese martial arts film, which not only martial arts into a kind of popular culture, this is catching on people heart. On the other hand, they too successful, who later left to insurmountable heights. Most of the classic martial arts to the protagonist as a narrative perspective, such as the works of Bruce Lee. However, in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the protagonist is not clear, there is no obvious emotional tendencies, the director always stand in a more neutral point of view to describe this story , makes the film seem relatively calm, even if the final outcome of the tragedy, there is no excessive emotional catharsis. So, the director Ang Lees martial arts perspective, not chivalry, but in the political arena, his intention is want arena as a special form of society to describe, display, and analysis the narrative perspective of a neutral has become a necessity. As a film, Ang Lee must be discarded offshoot of distal, straght the point; therefore, it is no longer a knight who owed focus, they shuttled between the secular arena and the sorrows and joys, gains and losses, and what they are thinking about is the key pointo of this film. Moreover, the director also not always looking at the development of conflict, he often intentionally or unintentionally, the main line of the story with the then secular society, people practices cross the shuttle, so as to find countless ties between them provide a Imagination. (Clifford W, 2009, p. 98) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is not like a general Chinese Kung Fu film, its advantages in its overall production well structured film, paper and wind distribution of the average, the plot to promote smooth, entertaining; costumes and sets are elegant, rich taste of China. in addition it also use a very great cinematography technique to support the director s idea, which is instead the deep meaning of human thinking in the society at that time, this is Ang Lees unique talent and style. Renfences: E David West, 2006, Chasing dragons: an introduction to the martial arts film, LB.Tauris Co Ltd, New York. E Wheeler W. Dixon, 2000, Film genre 2000: new critical essays, State of New York Press, Albany E J. Kris Malkiewicz, M. David Mullen, 2001, Cinematography: a guide for filmmakers and film teachers, Fireside Rockefeller Center, New York. E Clifford W. Mills, Ang Lee, 2009, Infobase, New York

Friday, October 25, 2019

To what extent is Of Mice and Men a novel of protest? Essay -- English

To what extent is Of Mice and Men a novel of protest? John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men conveys the impression, that it is a novel of protest. The character Candy suffers from discrimination because of his age and his disability. Steinbeck uses this character to protest against ageism and the treatment of the disabled during the Great Depression. The repeated reference to Candy's hopelessness could be understood as a protest against ageism. He says more than once that if he "can't swamp out no bunkhouses, they'll put" him "in the county". His whole life is based on one pillar, the kindness of the boss. He "wisht somebody'd shoot" him, if he gets fired. He "won't have no place to go" and is tied on the ranch. When Curley's wife says that Candy is "a lousy ol' sheep", Candy "subsided". He suggests to tell the boss about that dispute, but he knows that "nobody'd listen to" them. Steinbeck uses these situations to protest against ageism. The hopelessness is also used by John Steinbeck to protest against the treatment of the disabled during the Great Depression. Candy knows that he does not have a future. Crooks emphasises this fact, when he says that Candy will be "a swamper till they take" him "out in a box". Candy swamps out houses, because he is not able to do something else. Although he hopes that their dream will work, he recognises that it is unrealistic. It is unrealistic because of his disability. Steinbeck's protest against the treatment of the disabled is evident from the way he describes Candy's hopelessness. Through his descriptions of Candy's primitive working and living conditions, Steinbeck protests against ageism. Candy is an "old swamper", who lives in a "bunkhouse". His possess... .... That is another parallel between Candy and his dog. Both, Candy and his dog are handy-capped. Carlson discriminates Candy as well, when he states that the dog "can't eat, can't see" and "can't even walk without hurting". The dog would be "no good to himself". Candy receives these statements as discriminations against him. What about him, if his dog has to be shoot? Steinbeck's protest against the discrimination of the disabled is evident from these descriptions. To some extent, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is a novel of protest. When he wrote the novel, Steinbeck was sad because of the horrible situation of the old and disabled during the Great Depression. The themes of ageism and the treatment of the disabled are protested through Candy. Candy does not play a very big role in the story, but he plays a very big role in the background of the novel.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

John Dalton and Atomic Theory Outline and Sources

John Dalton and Atomic Theory John Dalton was a British scientist who made important contributions to science and to the atomic model specifically. I. Experiences in his life that led to his interest in science and the study of the atom A. Education and teaching career brought him in contact with amateur meteorologists B. Mentors and meteorology directed his interest toward air pressure and properties of gaseous elements C. Study of elements led to interest in components of elements and his atomic theory. D.This is the general path to his discoveries. However, no one knows specifically how he reached most of his conclusions about atoms. II. Work on the atom and its contribution to the modern atomic model A. Lavoisier’s Law influenced Dalton’s assertion that atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or subdivided. B. Proust’s Law of Definite Proportions led Dalton to his Law of Multiple Proportions C. He was trying to explain why water absorbs different gases in differe nt proportions. D. Contributions 1. All matter consists of tiny particles, atoms. 2.Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, separated into smaller parts or transformed into another element. 3. All atoms of the same element have identical weights, while atoms of different elements have different weights. 4. When elements react, their atoms combine in simple, whole-number ratios. 5. When elements react, their atoms sometimes combine in more than one simple, whole-number ratio. 6. When atoms combine in only one ratio, they are combining in a 1:1 ratio. III. Contributions which were eventually disproven and thus are not part of the modern model A.The idea that atoms that combine in only one ratio do so in a 1:1 ratio not only led him to wrong conclusions, but also caused his theory to be rejected for many years. B. Another mistaken idea was that atoms cannot be separated into smaller parts or transformed into another element. C. The assertion that all atoms of the same element have identica l weights, while atoms of different elements have different weights is inaccurate. IV. Conclusion A. His work was important and foundational to modern atomic model. Sources [1] â€Å"John Dalton (British Scientist): Atomic Theory. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n. d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. . [2] Lefers, Mark, and Holmgren Lab. â€Å"Northwestern University/Morimoto Laboratory-Definitions. † Online Posting. Morimoto Laboratory. Northwestern University, 26 July 2004. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. . [3] â€Å"John Dalton Biography. † Bio. com. A&E Networks Television, n. d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. . [4] Senese, Fred. â€Å"Foundations of Dalton's Atomic Theory. † General Chemistry Online: Companion Notes: Atoms & Ions: Dalton's Atomic Theory: Dalton's Postulates. N. p. , 25 July 2005. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Thw Woman Who Had Two Navels

Characters Connie Escobar- the lead female character, was described by literary critic Epifanio San Juan as a sufferer of her mother’s estrangement from a world where unconfident males take advantage of women by violating them or by venerating them. Macho Escobar- a man who had an affair with Connie’s mother, a past incident that serves as an â€Å"umbilical cord† or â€Å"umbilicus†, a remnant connected to her present and future because of her refusal to leave the issue in the past.Manolo Vidal- is the embodiment of the Filipino nationalistic bourgeois who were once critical of the theocracy of the Spaniards but became transformed puppets and servants of these colonialists. Paco Texeira- was a survivor between the behaviors of the Monson and Vidal families, and also acted as Nick Joaquin’s â€Å"conscience†, an observer who could have penetrated the existing rituals and ruses. Concha Borromeo- she is the mother of Connie Escobar. Esteban Bor romeo- he is the husband of Concha Borromeo. Father Tony- A priest, and the brother of Pepe Monson.Pepe Monson- A horse Doctor and the brother of Father Tony. Doctor Monson- A former rebel hiding in Hong Kong to avoid postwar trials. Rita Lopez – The future wife of Paco Texeria and Business partner of Hellen Silva's painting shop. Hellen Silva- A owner of a painting shop. Author Nicomedes Marquez Joaquin A Filipino writer, historian and journalist, best known for his short stories and novels in the English language. He also wrote using the pen name Quijano de Manila. Joaquin was conferred the rank and title of National Artist of the Philippines for Literature.He is considered most important Filipino writer in English, and the third most important overall, after Jose Rizal and Claro M. Recto. Joaquin was born in Paco, Manila, one of ten children of Leocadio Joaquin, a colonel under General Emilio Aguinaldo in the 1896 Revolution, and Salome Marquez, a teacher of English and Sp anish. After being read poems and stories by his mother, the boy Joaquin read widely in his father's library and at the National Library of the Philippines. By then, his father had become a successful lawyer after the revolution. From reading, Joaquin became interested in writing.At age 17, Joaquin had his first piece published, in the literary section of the pre-World War II Tribune, where he worked as a proofreader. It was accepted by the writer and editor Serafin Lanot. After Joaquin won a nationwide essay competition to honor La Naval de Manila, sponsored by the Dominican Order, the University of Santo Tomas awarded him an honorary Associate in Arts (A. A. ). They also awarded him a scholarship to St. Albert's Convent, the Dominican monastery in Hong Kong. Some of his awards are: Ten Most Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM), Awardee for Literature (1955)National Artist Award (1976). Stonehill Award for the Novel (1960) Jose Garcia Villa's Honor Roll (1940) S. E. A. W rite Award (1980) Joaquin died of cardiac arrest in the early morning of April 29, 2004, at his home in San Juan, Metro Manila. He was then editor of Philippine Graphic magazine where he worked with Juan P. Dayang, who was the magazine's first publisher. Joaquin was also publisher of its sister publication, Mirror Weekly, a women’s magazine. He also wrote the column (â€Å"Small Beer†) for the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Isyu, an opinion tabloid. Nick Joaquin SummaryIn the of the story, it started when Connie went to Pepe's place for consultation. The problem of Connie is how to remove her other navel. Because if she (if ever) give birth, where would the other umbilical cord be connected. Connie told Pepe the story about her child hood times. Pepe talked to Seniora de Vidal, and everything that Seniora de Vidal told Pepe exactly the opposite of what Connie told Pepe. Some things that Seniora de Vidal told Pepe, was that Connie only have a navel, her navel was not rea lly two. Also the age, which Seniora de Vidal said that Connie was just 18 years old.And she was not just got married that day, but she was married almost a year already. Pepe know that Connie hide from her after hearing that Seniora de Vidal ordinary that her father was in news and that controversies often comes when her father is in the government. Connie's mom told her not to be affected with the controversies. After that, Seniora de Vidal also told Pepe that her daughter likes Paco. Pepe knows Paco because they were classmates during they are in Grade School. After talking with Seniora de Vidal, Pepe went to Texeria's after.They talked and Pepe discovered that Paco was in Manila, he writes Mary a lot of letters about Connie's Mother. Paco was in manila with his band to play and sing in two different clubs, they had already signed contracts. Paco became interested with Manila, while Seniora de Vidal became interested with Hong Kong. The even talked an said, they would meet often and know each others countries. One time, Connie's mom was not around their house, and Paco met Connie. Starting that time, Connie started watching Paco and his band playing for the club. Until one they, there were few people fighting and one of them got shot.Connie was there and she was shocked. Paco with Connie went together to a Chinese Temple. Connie told Paco that she can talk to somebody else, Connie left him. After some weeks past by, Paco exited the club that he was playing for, and suddenly saw Connie's car in dark. They drove till they reach Paco's hotel. Paco went out of his hotel room and go away. After that happening, 2 days to be exact, Paco left Manila alone and went back to Hong Kong. Mary, Pepe, Paco went to the park and talked. After few hours, Mary went home ahead with her children.The two gentleman’s talk about Connie's two navel. They where wondering if it is true or not. After talking about it, Pepe went home while Paco was left in the park. When we came home, he saw his father who was supposed to be in Manila. His father was very unusual that time and cannot answer most of Paco's questions. Tony his brother and Rita, who he is engage to, went to Paco's house because their father was their. They ate together and his father went to his room earlier that other. They were all thinking what happened to their father when he was still in Manila.He wasn't able to answer their questions and he went to Hong kong earlier than what is expected. The only this he saw in the room was the dirty run that was full of dust. Pepe gave up of figuring up things and went away. in In the next chapter, Rita Lopez and Hellen Silva's painting shop. The phone rang and the person on the phone was Pepe and ask Rita to go to a dinner with Mary and Paco. Hellen told Rita it was sweet but Rita said, it was all Mary's idea. Rita wanted to go home and change clothes but Pepe told him that they will be going straight to Rita's shop.So Rita has to just stay in her sh op and not to change clothes. So they went to ride a ferry going to a Disco club in Tovarich. They went there to see one good band playing in Tovarich. Pete Alfonso went near them in the bar and talk to them. And ask a drink with them, Paco ask Pete Alfonso why there where no singer and pianist. So he answer and said they ran away and need a replacement. So Paco applied and was accepted to start the next day. Next, Rita asked Pepe to dance with her but Pepe told him he was too full to dance. Pepe ask someone who was siting across them awhile ago and said it was Vidal.After talking, Pepe ask permission to Rita if she can go to the balcony, Pepe went to the balcony to talk with Connie Escobar. Pepe went back to Rita and told them to go home first because he is going to talk to someone. So Connie Escobar drive Pepe very fast but Pepe said stop and went away. But after minutes pass by, Pepe went back to the car. Then Connie told Pepe stories and at last, the arrived at the hotel. Connie kissed Pepe on his cheeks and go to her room. But, Connie went back to Pepe and ask him to bring her to other places. Pepe ask her why and she said, because his husband is up their.Pepe told her, why should you get worried. Connie told him that Macho has other girls, the worst thing about it was, her own mother Concha de Vidal was the girl of his husband. Connie saw the letters of her mother to Macho. So Pepe help her and brought her to his wife's place. Connie ask Pepe to tell Macho that she was just sick, she don't like to go there. Pepe told that to Macho, Macho ask Pepe if Connie is alright, and ask him if he is a doctor, Pepe told him he was not a doctor. So Macho ask him to get Connie one, Macho was asking and asking Pepe where Connie is but Pepe didn't tell him because it was what Connie ask him to do.When Pepe was to leave Macho's room, Macho stop him and told the story of how he and Connie got married. Macho became emotional, while the story was on going. Macho's father wa s stroke and after a few days, Macho's father died. So Macho has to take care of their business and their â€Å"hacienda†. As Pepe went home, just daylight before Rita awoke. Rita didn't saw Connie in the sofa. The next chapter started when it was New Year in Hong Kong. Paco and his band perform in Tovarich. Everybody there was having a lot of fun. In the convent of St Andrew, Father Tony was planning to teach novices different languages.But he had a visitor, it was Seniora de Vidal. She told Father Tony that Connie was starting to invent stories. She knows that Connie hated her because she as Father Tony to convince her to go back to his husband Macho. After hearing the story, Father Tony was confused and felt very uncomfortable. After that, Father Tony when to the club to talk to Pepe, Rita, Paco & Mary. He told them everything that Seniora de Vidal told him, there Paco hated them more. Later that night, Concha remembers when she first met his husband Esteban Borromeo. A Handsome boy, a good painter, and an activist she fell n love with and who she married. After Esteban died, she met and married her latest husband, Mr. Vidal. That night, Concha ask Father Tony to go to her car. They talk everything about Concha's past and about Connie. Then Tony and Pepe went home and they saw Connie standing infront of their door. They try to talk with her, to forgive whatever her mother did to her. And try to start a new life, and told her she only have one navel. And it was just her imagination. Then Connie started to tease Father Tony and Pepe to look if she really has two navels.The next chapter is about what happen to the Connie's life. How she want to destroy her parents. How she hated her husband Macho and can't forgive him. How she sees the world as an evil world, trying to live in a make believe world. Connie can't accept to accept the really world. While Connie was on the top of the peak. She recalled everything that happened and felt hated that is ins ide her heart, her mothers and his fathers. She remember the times when she always says that her father and mother are bad, and not her. She felt soared but still, cannot accept the truth.After a while, she went to the Monastery. When she was in the Monastery and got inside, she wanted to talk to Father Tony but is was an older father who approach her. They had confrontation of what Connie really felt. The father showed her that she was bad. But whatever the Father told her, she always believe that she is not bad. V. Setting Nick Joaquin's â€Å"The Woman Who Had Two Navels† revolved around the upper middle class expatriates' consciousness during the American period of colonization. It portrayed every character's struggle to maintain their â€Å"selves† in a foreign setting like Hongkong.It can also be defined as coming to terms with the political consciousness during that period. The novel also contained mixtures of hatred, love, anger, insecurities, and sufferings th at manifest in the realities of life making the flow of the story more provocative and appealing to the audience. The title of the novel excited my curiosity; that's why it took me a long time to analyze and think the interpretations that I have to use to show its significance. The story started with Connie, a daughter of a wealthy politician. Connie portrayed herself as a person with two navels.Literally, when a woman has two navels, this means that she has two umbilical cords. The navel is the shortened umbilical cord – usually removed when a person is born. But it is not possible because if a person has two umbilical cords, he is a preternatural being – a mutant. Connie, pretending that she has two navels may refer to the â€Å"rebirths† that she underwent. The first rebirth was escaping from her mother's evil clutches since she was an unwanted child – always ostracized and continuously suffered from the ghosts of the past that haunted her.Let us not a lso forget her inability to deal with her life due to parental constrictions and the love affair of her husband Macho and her mother that made her feel miserable at some points in her life. The second rebirth refers to her awakening, herself realization and emancipation as a woman. She learned to face reality and accepted the truth. In my point of view, her reason why she pretended to have two navels is that she wanted to forget everything about her, to be different so that another personality will reside and dwell on her.