Thursday, October 31, 2019

Concrde crash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Concrde crash - Essay Example According to Kurczy (par. 3-9), a Houston bound continental jet that took off a short moment before the Concorde took off dropped an ill fitted metal strip on the run away from its underside. On the runway, when the Concorde flight was preparing speed one of its tires run over the same metal strip that that made the tire to burst. Since the plane had gathered a supersonic speed chucks of the tire hit the under wing. Their impact on the wing was enough to puncture the fuel tank and hot exhaust gases from the engine ignited a flame on the wing. When the crippled jet took off into the sky, it lost control due to severe shock waves on the wing that had caught fire. Smith (Par. 2-6) in his article asserted that when the flight was in the sky the flames damaged the second engine and some experts argued that it could survive if it was able to land. After a few minutes in the sky, the crewmembers were overwhelmed as the plane busted into flames and it remains crashed into a small hotel in Paris, killing four people on the ground, and no members on the plane were spared either. After this horror incidence, the Continental Airline company was accused of unintended manslaughter. It has been long since this the crash took place, but the memories of every bit of the crash are still fresh. Kurczy, Stephen. â€Å"What caused the 2000 Concorde crash?† The Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 10, 2010. Web. Sept. 27 2014.

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